
Unswerving Commitment to Green Manufacturing: Maco Group Accredited as National and Municipal Green Factory
  • 2018-01-01

While accredited as national and municipal “Green Factory”, Maco Group has also received the title of Capital Garden-like Unit of Environmental Excellence and successfully passed the Clean Production auditing of Beijing.

In 2019, with world’s leading dust collection system, Maco Group surprised the world with particle emission of less than 1mg/m³ according to tests run by third party authority, which is lower than the detection limit of standard method and is therefore deemed “not detected”. In actual test environment, the particle emission concentration is lower than 20ug/m³ in Maco factory, reaching the international standard of good air quality of 0-25ug/m³ and significantly lower than Chinese standard of good air quality of 0-50ug/m³. Such is “Maco Miracle” where the exhaust gas reaches the international standard of good air quality.